Sunday, August 10, 2008

Am I alone on this?

Does anyone else have 57 BED, BATH AND BEYOND 20% OFF coupons stashed in their junk drawers, desk drawers and car? I mean, the fact that they honor even the most "expired" of coupons sounds fantastic, right? I have this compulsion in me to save each one, because it's a COUPON and essentially it NEVER can you throw THAT away?!? :-) But it has created this interesting kind of bondage. I'm still trying to figure out why I feel like I have to hold onto EACH AND EVERY one...I I ever REALLY going to buy 30 bath towels...and get 20% off of each one?? Probably not. And the times I just "stop by on my way home" do I EVER have the coupon I need with me? Of course not!
I'm sure there's some sort of spiritual lesson in this bad habit of mine. Am I hoarding or just "being a good steward" for what we MAY need in the future?
So here's what I want to many BB&B coupons are lurking around your house?


Unknown said...

Weeelll Katie.....considering that the closest Bed, Bath and Beyond is almost 2 hours away I can honestly say that I don't have any coupons. If I lived closer to one I am sure that I would be like you since I do that with other coupons and things.

The Sigler Family said...

hmmm. i only have one, actually. i toss the old one when i get a new one. and, i started playing the grocery game so with that, i now have a binder (2" D-ring) with 16 section dividers, 40 sheets of business card sleeves, 2 pocket folders, and 3 binder cloth pencil cases to conveniently obsess over the organization of my coupons. it lives in my car. the BB&B coupons are so large and i only use them once a year to buy a new popcorn popper, that i can't stand having it "clutter" up my coupon binder. wow. guess you can see where i allow myself to refocus my restrained need to be in control...

Team Beahler said...

I don't have the BB&B coupons, but over the weekend, Gabe discovered my inch high stockpile of pizza coupons on top of our fridge. It probably wouldn't be a bad thing, but we only eat pizza every few months - and most of them expired back in May.
Kimberly (Andre) Beahler

John and Janel Breitenstein said...

Oh, my word, YES! I think I have, like ten, only because I keep shoving them off on couples registered there! For the love of Mike. So glad someone else does this. It's not even like I shop there more than once a quarter--!