Tuesday, March 09, 2010

And he's off....

Big news here...Ez Man is a crawlin' machine! Where did the time go?? It started with an army crawl about a week and a half ago and we've made it to the full fledged hands and knees crawl in no time at all. It's bitter sweet. As bad as it sounds, I've been hoping he would hold off a bit longer. Trying to keep all of a 3-year-old's itty bitty odds and ends toys off the floor has kept us on our toes! Not to mention all the "re-baby proofing" we have and will continue to have to do (um..rubbber door stopper in the mouth??...yikes!). I'm working on a video

...in the meantime, here are some pics of what we've been up to lately.

We made playdough this week. Always starts out with 3 or 4 beautiful colors and ends up as one giant brown blob by the time Sophia is done with it:-)

Sophia's tap shoe lace...one of the many random things found in Ez's mouth since his crawling adventures began.

After Ezra woke up from his nap, Sophia was in and out of the room about ten times...when I came into get him, this is what I found. She had hooked him up with some "entertainment".

Let the years of the "pesky little brother gettin' into his sisters stuff" begin!

Sophia came out of her room with marker all over her face last week. She said she was a "clown"...umm...scary...

This just made me laugh...she made a little house out of her dollhouse furniture in the middle of her bedroom. Of all of the furniture she has...she selected a tub and potty with a piano in the middle for her pseudo house. I love the way 3-year-olds think!

Been messing around with my new Photoshop Elements...this is one of my favs!

She is Cinderella pretty much everyday of the week (she mixes it up some days by being Sleeping Beauty or Snow White, but mostly Cindy)...this dress is disgusting...I'm afraid to wash it again or it's going to fall apart. There is definitely a huge BBQ sauce stain on the back...gross! But when you're beautiful princess, I guess that doesn't matter:-)


Molly said...

your kiddos are the cutest! I actually se a lot of you in Ezra now, maybe in the eyes. Who knows. Looks like you guys have been busy busy playing. I hope Jade likes to dress up like a princess as much as Sophia does. Take care

The Ericksons said...

Seriously, that cracked me up! They have such personality together!! We need to see you guys!!!