Justin took off early Saturday morning to golf at Shore Cliffs in San Clemente with a co-worker to celebrate the end of his first semester at BIOLA!!! WHooppeeeeee! He's really enjoying the fact that he's still able to golf 2 weeks before Christmas! He will get started again on January 2nd with semester #2.
Katie went into L.A. with her friend Nikki on Saturday to the "garment district" where she got to experience some "real" big city atmosphere. The garment district in the ghetto of L.A. comes to life every day when vendors open their warehouse "garage" doors and sell random items they've imported for next to nothing. The day was QUITE productive with a pair of sunglasses for $5 (they say Chanel on them, but I'm guessing they're not genuine :) and a pair of cowboy boots (hey, they LOOK like real leather?!?) for $25 bucks. Then she headed to Hollywood with some friends to watch the "Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe"at the El Capitan theatre. At this particular theatre, they decorate and fill the theatre with props, relics and entertainers from the movie...it was so exciting and VERY Hollywood! The show would not have been complete without the full sized pipe organ and snow effects!
Then it was home for both of us to rest up for a Sunday at....DISNEYLAND!!! Since it is 5 minutes from our house...it's about time we made it over there...and we were just in time for the Christmas celebration done "Disney-style". We were able to hit all the highlights (Thunder Mountain, Indiana Jones, Haunted Mansion...and Justin's favorite: It's a Small World) Unfortunately the New Space Mountain was closed when we tried to go on it and by the time it was open again there was a 75 minute wait! We finally got to watch the nightly fireworks in front of Sleeping Beauty's Castle instead of our apartment balcony! We had a great day there...it was a perfect way to get in the Christmas mood...they even had fake snow at the end.
This is our picture taken in the Buzz Lightyear Astro Blaster....
We love you all...We'll be in Illinois for Christmas, so hopefully we'll get to see you! ...until then...
Stay warm! Love~Justin & Katie
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