Monday, November 26, 2007

I, Katie, promise to...

...keep our blog updated! Sorry I've been a total slacker in the blog department. I'm looking at the date of the last time I posted (Dec 2005), and I'm reflecting on how much has happened since then! that we have a 1-year-old, and life seems to be in fast forward(!), I look forward to keeping you all updated with our (sometimes boring, but often funny) day-to-day happenings because most of the time, those are the things that we forget to share when we talk to all of you, and sometimes those are some of the most special moments!

Anyway, hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! Looking forward to seeing some of you back in Illinois over Christmas!

1 comment:

Baedke Family Blessings said...

Wow you haven't updated in a long time. You need to keep us updated on little Sophia and post pics!
Jen, Jay and Addison