Thursday, December 13, 2007

Fa la la la la, la la la la.....

Sophia's new favorite Christmas song is "Deck the Halls"...sometimes she pipes in with a "la la la la la"! Just one of the ways she continues to bring us so much joy and fun as she grows into a little girl. She'll turn 16 months on Christmas Day! We find ourselves joining in the familiar chant of all parents... "we can't believe how fast she's growing up!"

Justin will be walking tomorrow in the graduation ceremony of the MBA program he just finished at Biola University in La Mirada, CA. It's amazing that he was able to balance a full time job, school and becoming a Dad while maintaining straight A's throughout his program, but he did it. Sophia and I are very proud of him!

The pictures below are of Sophia's first experience meeting Santa Claus. While most kids are either A)Terrified or B)Super Excited to meet Santa for the first time, Sophia showed us how completely "unimpressed" she was by his "jolliness"...we'll try again next year and see if we get any smiles:-)

Have a blessed 2008!
Justin, Katie & Sophia


Gina said...

Hi Katie!
Gina, from Nurture, here. I LOVE your Christmas card and I love that you blog. I look forward to keeping in touch with you this way too : ) Looking forward to spring Nurture but in the meantime, have a lovely Christmas with your beautiful family! Gina

Unknown said...

Hi Katie, I too love your postcard. I am glad that you sent along your blogspot address. I still have your other one under favorites and check it on a regular basis, but there is no new news at that sight. I hope you have a Merry Christmas! Sophia is so cute!