Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Sunny day in SoCal...

As Sophia and I hit the trail this morning to walk to our local Farmers' Market, I was overcome with thankfulness at the blessing of such a beautiful, warm day, the mountains majestically standing in the distance and the opportunity to be able to stay home with Sophia and enjoy experiences like this...oh and thankful for all the yummy fruit and veggies we scored at the Farmers' Market! It led me to begin reflecting on how I spend way to much time grumbling and not enough time praising God for the amazing things He has given us. Just need a kick in the pants once in awhile, I guess:-)
Soph is recovering from a pretty nasty cold and fever she had over the weekend. Still kinda crabby and sleepy today, but definitely better.
We had to act fast and purchase a new digital camera since our took a turn for the worst last week...the lens wouldn't open when we turned it on. Maybe it had something to do with that time I dropped it...make that the two times I dropped it. Oops. Sophia gets her clumsiness from her mama! Can't very well have an 18 month old and not have a camera, right?!?

This is my fav pic from a trip we took to Disneyland several weeks ago.


Unknown said...

Well it is about time! I check your blogg along with about 16 others every other day or so and was waiting for some new news from you. :0) Glad everything is going well! Your baby is getting so big. Too cute! How did she like Disneyland? We are planning a trip in October.
I am sorry to hear that Sophie is sick. My two are as well!

Unknown said...

I am sorry to have called her Sophie, I meant Sophia. :) One of my piano students is Sophie. Oops!