Anyway, the Wilson family arrives.
Day 1: Sophia recovers...Grandpa rocks her she urrppss again:-(
Day 2: Maddie and Katie catch the bug
Day 3: Maddie and Katie recover
Day 4: We venture out for a few hours then Mom and Justin start getting sick
Day 5: Mom in full fledges of the nastiness, Justin escapes the worst of it
Day 6: Dad takes care of Mom and Sophia while Maddie and I head to Disneyland for at least one day of SoCal fun.
Even though it wasn't a very event-filled trip for my family, they were able to spend lots of downtime with Sophia which is something they don't get a lot of. It was actually a really great trip even with all the "groadies". I got to spend a lot of time with my little sis, and that was a huge blessing. And of course Sophia was completely spoiled as always, so she wasn't complaining at all:-)
This week we will be hosting the Kauffman Gparents! More spoiling ahead:-)
Here are a few pics from my family's time here.
Soph with Grandpa's glasses on!
Talking to Gma Wilson
Giving Aunt Maddie kisses:-)
1 comment:
What a bummer everyone was sick! You know, you probably would have tried to cram lots of events in there and wouldn't have spent as much downtime though, eh? Good to sort of see a few pics of your fam! It's been a while!
Loves. _monica
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