Thursday, May 01, 2008

Grandmas & Grandpa & Pictures...Oh My!

We had another Grandma & Grandpa visit a couple of weeks ago when Justin's Mom and Dad came out from Illinois. We had a great time and, fortunately, Sophia stayed healthy during their trip except for a little cold she picked up a couple of days before they left. But sniffles is better than throwups so we'll take it!
We got to enjoy some time out and about while they were here. We went down to San Diego twice. Once to the San Diego Zoo and once to the Natural History Museum where we viewed an exhibit with artifacts from was intriguing!
And of course, there was also time for lots of "spoiling of the granddaughter" (of course:-). We had a couple of days of "Grandparent Detox" but it's always worth it!
Here are some pics from our time with G&G.

Petting Zoo with Grandma

Walking with Grandpa & Grandma K

Eating with Grandpa

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