Yes, it's true. I shop at Farmers' Markets weekly, I have been buying extremely less processed food than I did say, in college, and even though I'm still looking for a place to put recycling bins in our ever shrinking apartment, I cringe when the garbage goes out the door as it heads off to the landfill (at least my conscience is getting greener:-).
Seriously though...I've been getting a lot of support from family and friends for my "green-ness" from back in Illinois too. In fact, my sis-in-law Amanda gave me Chico reusable bags for Christmas (really like those!). AND my mom just sent me a new, fabulous book for Mother's Day called "Gorgeously Green" by Sophie Uliano which prompts my post tonight (really good!).
The author of the book describes the chemicals in our skincare and promotes a website where you can reference your skincare from lipliner to shampoo and see what its "safety" rating is. I"m still researching the organization and the accuracy and any agenda they may have, but the ingredients are the ingredients and I don't think they can really get around the facts on that.
Here's the website:
The author recommends not using any products with below a 5 rating (on a 1-10 scale). I don't mean to scare you all, but it's good to know what's going on our faces (and into our bodies). Looks like I have some work to do this week in going through our bathroom cabinets.
I'm only about 1/4 way into the book so perhaps when I'm done I'll have some more useful info to share.
Good night~
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