2. Justin and I just celebrated our 5 year anniversary this weekend! Crazy how quickly 5 years flew by. We went out for a night on the town Friday (date nights don't happen like they used to:-). We tried out a new restaurant which is what I think is our new favorite...EVER! And that's pretty huge. It was called Ambrosia in Santa Ana, CA. Awesome place for any of you SoCal friends:-)Really cool jazz singer, Chris Williams, made the night perfectly romantic!
3. We went to the Bowers Museum on Saturday to see the Terra Cotta Warrior from China. Ever heard of these?...pretty amazing. If you're Discovery Channel nerds like we are, you'll appreciate this!
4. Sunday night we headed over to Goofy's Kitchen at Disneyland with my Aunt Linda from Illinois and her friend Theresa. From the moment we got our picture taken with Pluto and Sophia kept trying to poke him in the eye, we knew she was having a great time. The characters periodically come around to your table to "visit" which makes eating for an "almost two-year-old" nearly impossible, but it was worth it to see the look on her face, especially when Minnie (or "Mimmie" as she calls her) came over to visit. The night ended with Sophia doing the Macarena with Goofy and Minnie. She followed them off the dance floor as they headed off to the mysterious place where those "huge costumed beings" go to break or eat or whatever they do. Justin caught up to her in time to whisk her back to our family instead of joining the "Disney family":-) She was seriously going to go with them to do some more "dancing"! She had a blast. Thanks Aunt Linda for a wonderful night out!
5. We have some visitors on our patio. Momma and Pappa Dove have chosen our patio (more specifically, between my dahlia and cilantro in the planter) as the birthplace for their two little darlings. Their eggs hatched last week and occasionally we'll see a little one peeping out from under the momma or pappa. Little known facts about doves:
A.Apparently they're notoriously bad nest builders-which explains why several months ago their previous attempt at "making babies" resulted in their egg rolling off our patio light. Ummm...thankfully this time they picked a better place to nest and built a more sturdy nest (previously no nest, just the egg sitting there...I guess we all learn from our mistakes~)
B. The Momma and Poppa take turns sitting on the eggs everyday. Poppa in the day, Momma in the night. They switch everyday at the same time (haven't seen the morning switch, but at 6:15pm every night our little friends switch it up) . Amazing how God created them with such precise internal clocks.
*Compliments to my hubby for all his Google research on this topic. We're pretty obsessed with them. Don't see much wildlife around these parts:-)
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