Thanksgiving was a wonderful, relaxing day at the Kauffman house. We were able to spend the morning together decorating Sophia's little hot pink tree and watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade together. We spent some time reflecting on all the blessings of the last year. Justin and I expressed thankfulness for things like our apartment, the things that God has taught us over the last year, Justin's job, etc. When asked what she is thankful for, Sophia simply replied "Jasmine" (a Disney Princess for those of you not "in the know":-) It's so neat to see even the simple things that children can draw on as blessings...yet another lesson my two-year-old is teaching me!
Although we would have much rather spent the holiday with family and home cooking (especially that of our Moms and Grandmas!) we ended up eating a traditional turkey dinner at a restaurant on a cliff overlooking the ocean...not a horrible alternative:-)

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and were able to spend some time reflecting on all that we have to be thankful for!
"From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another." -John 1:16
Uh, yeah. Not bad at all! I was thinking we had nice 45 degree weather, but thanks for putting perspective on it! haha
Your little girl is SO darling.
Hi Katie! I saw your update on Facebook and had to check out your blog! Check mine out when you have a chance...
It's fun to see what you've been up to for the past 6 years! :)
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